Triumphant Tonbridge
Monday 22 May 2023 | by Brett Scillitoe
It is amazing what a few sunny days will do. The mood has changed and more importantly, the rivers have slowed. The Medway is now safe to paddle. AquaPaddle Tonbridge was Go!

Having arrived early, the Route was checked and confirmed it was safe to Paddle. Soon after 9am the Crew and AquaPaddlers started to arrive. There were lots of new paddlers, who had been keen to paddle most of the Spring. Now was their chance.

After the Crew safety briefing, the two Crew who were paddling to the top end of the route headed off. We had a Paddleboarder, Isabelle and a Kayaker, Les. Isabelle was going to the turn point under Friendship Bridge and Les was going to the amazingly name Lucifer Bridge, which is quite low. His job as to warn AquaPaddlers to crouch or kneel down to go under the Bridge. The Tonbridge Route has a few low bridges that make it interesting. Sort of hurdles for paddlers.

There was good group of AquaPaddlers at the Safety Briefing making sure everyone was aware of the obstacles and that there was a Kayak Marathon event also taking place as we would be finishing. Next time some from Tonbridge Canoe Club should hopefully be joining in. All Paddlers are welcome.

It was a beautiful morning with a slight breeze. The late Spring colours where on full display. As the Event started the remaining Crew spread out amongst the fleet to keep them all safe. The River was quiet and it was a joy to be out on the water. With the “Devils” Bridge safely negotiated all made the turn easily.

On the way back down to the finish the Kayakers started to mingle in amongst the fleet, which made for some extra excitement and a lot of fun. Once finished we headed back to the launch point and watch the kayakers whizzing about.

Don’t miss the next AquaPaddle Tonbridge, sign up as soon as it is posted on the calendar.

AquaPaddle is run purely on Donations. If AquaPaddle is of value to you with your health and wellbeing, please help if you can by giving a donation.

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