A Coronation Paddle
Wednesday 10 May 2023 | by Jane Burren
The day started with raising flags and hanging bunting in preparation for AquaPaddle Rotherham, Coronation Paddle. I was a little unsure at the time of booking the date as to whether we would get many sign ups, expecting many to have commitments to street parties and family gatherings. I was pleasantly surprised to see that we had grown in numbers to 29 paddlers by the start of the event. We had people returning from previous events, as well as newcomers, its great to see the community of AquaPaddlers growing so quickly.

We briefed the paddlers between our new flags which were admired by many, with comments of how professional it looked. The crew tested out the new radios that had also been received from the support of British Canoeing funding before getting into their marshalling position. It was soon time to take to the water and get ready for the start.

As the paddlers gathered we realised just how the numbers had grown from our pilot event back in January, it looked quite a sight to see all the SUPs, kayaks and OC1’s on the water.

The event quickly set off and soon we watched the paddlers spread out to find their own space. The faster paddlers soon disappearing into the distance keen to improve on their previous times. Others enjoyed chatting with others as they made their way round the 3 loops of the lake.

There is always plenty to see at Manvers Lake and today was no exception. The Newfoundland dogs have now moved into the water as the water temperature has risen to a barmy 14.9 degrees. Its quite a sight to see them jump off the boat into the water and rescue a swimmer.

We have also welcomed our newest members of the lake, 7 signets from Derek and Doris our resident swans. The model boaters also had a range of craft out on the water to add interest.

It was another great event with some welcomed added sunshine. As the paddlers made their way off the water they celebrated the end of their paddle with a well deserved cake. Its always great to hear the comments from paddlers who have come to the events, they really are appreciative of the wonderful work of AquaPaddle.

Of course none of this can happen without the crew of volunteers, I am very lucky to have so many willing to help. We had 4 marshals around the lake, a sweeper and two time lords and of course myself as the captain. I try to rotate crew for the events so they also have the opportunity to take part in the paddle. We always welcome new volunteers, if you are interested in how you can help please get in touch.

AquaPaddle is run purely on Donations. If AquaPaddle is of value to you with your health and wellbeing, please help if you can by giving a donation.
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