Big Changes for 2024
Monday 08 Jan 2024 | by Al Patterson
Over the previous couple of weeks the AquaPaddle team and I have been hard at work to launch the latest (and greatest) version of our site, and this post shall be an insight into some of the new features and upgrades we’ve rolled out.
This version of the site is a big landmark for us as it represents a substantial step up from the previous ‘Minimum Viable Product’ style app that has kept us afloat for the last 2 years.
We still have some great new features which will be coming soon, and loads more ideas that we can’t wait to start building, so watch this space as there is plenty more to come…
Interface updates
Both our main website and our app (ie the bit you see when you’re logged in) have had some style changes to improve usability and create homes for our new features. It’s more of a ‘re-align’ than a ‘re-design’ as the core style for our brand is here to stay.

Our App is now Installable
If you visit our website in your browser you should see an option to ‘install app’ allowing you to add AquaPaddle to the home screen of your Android or iPhone. It will look and behave like a regular app you downloaded from the app store but uses a different technology (this technique is known as a ‘progressive
web app’).

Better health & safety system
Risk assessments for each of our locations and for each paddle are now fully integrated into our software allowing us to be better at avoiding accidents and keeping everyone safe.
We also made some good progress towards standardising the way we manage our risk assessments, a feature which we hope to be releasing soon.

Improved timer system
Our captains get a brand new timer system for capturing the times each paddler achieves. This new and improved timer has some much needed upgrades such as allowing captains to edit times, showing those paddlers who are yet to finish, and assorted usability improvements.

Crew member system
Each AquaPaddle location has a dedicated crew responsible for running the event under the guidance of the captain, and our new crew system gives the crew members the recognition they deserve.
Captains can now build their crew and have it displayed on the location. And when they organise a paddle they can assign various crew members to a role (such as time lord, marshal, first aider, etc)

Build your fleet & your profile
Paddlers can now build a fleet of watercraft which they own and can choose which craft to use when they register for a paddle. Each craft in your fleet is displayed on your public profile so your fellow paddlers can see what type of crafts you like to paddle.
We also added a location field to the paddler profiles so you can compare your times with other paddlers in your area. Finally we added an ‘about’ section to share a little about info about you and the kind of paddling you like.

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