St Neots Health & Safety


General Hazards

Car Park. There is 20 parking spaces without any height restriction, if using a van or high vehicle please use these spaces. If under 2.25m vehicle height or in a car please use parking under the two height barriers where there are 54 spaces, leaving the unrestricted spaces for taller vehicles. Car parking is free.

Narrow boats, cruisers, day boats and other craft regularly navigate the waterway. We need to keep ourselves safe, please keep a look behind from time to time to make sure you are not going to be in collision with another river user. If you see a boat, please shout to other paddlers warning them of the danger and giving them a chance to move to the right-hand side of the river. If they are coming close, draw their attention to you shouting and waving move out of their way and if on a SUP kneel if necessary.

Anglers. At various places on the banks along the Great Ouse. Paddle by cautiously giving enough space around where they may be casting. Move to opposite side of river if safe to do so.

Swimmers: Wild or Open Water swimming has become very popular and you as the overtaking craft need to keep clear. Please shout to draw their attention to you as you come up behind them. Please keep at least 1.5 metres away from them.

Main Launch, Exit and Emergency Evacuation Point

Coneygeare court launch point for kayaks, canoes & SUPS

What3Words link https:///subplot.erase.linguists

The launch point is from the bank side which is adjacent to the briefing/meeting area, which is also next to the free car park. The ground to the launch point is flat grass with the river sides short vertical vertical sheet piles.

Pleasure craft occasionally inadvertently moor at the launch point which the organising team will deal with to ensure a safe launch.


The launch point is set back from a tarmac footpath & children's play area with walkers, dogs, and cyclists. Please be aware when carrying craft to give clear space at all times and not to obstruct the footpath.
The grass could be wet and muddy, so care must be taken not to slip. Remember don’t rush and always take your time. “Slow is Pro”

Paddling to warm up near the Start Point be aware of other river users, please keep to right-hand side of the river when paddling/facing downstream and right-hand side when paddling/facing upstream.

The Start

The start of the AquaPaddle is under Coneygeare footbridge. The Time Lord will call the AquaPaddlers forward once everyone has arrived and will start the event. The AquaPaddle heads upstream.


Other river users.

Other AquaPaddlers. Please give everyone space to move about. The river is wide enough.

The River and Riverbank.

The riverbank has several fishing platforms and fishing points. Aquapaddle event days will be avoided on fishing competition days, please pass any anglers quietly and slowly giving them sufficient space.

If whilst passing someone fishing you are approached by a boat, please stop and move over to the right-hand side of the river. If you get caught in any lines, stop and apologise. We share this space, please don’t get into an argument (regardless of what the Angler is saying to you you are part of an Aquapaddle activity and as such reflecting our brand). Once free of any line, continue.

The river can be shallow at the edge in some places, take care to avoid grounding and keep more than a metre distance out from the banks to avoid.


Fishing hooks being cast from the side of the river.

Boats behind and coming towards you. Keep a good look out and be prepared to stop.

Yellow Buoy on right hand side to warn all craft of an obstruction in the water. Please leave space to go past it as the obstruction may hit your fin.

Swans and other wildlife, please give them space.

Over hanging trees. Please move a distance away from them.

The two turning Points may encounter river flow onto the side of your craft, allow for being pushed downstream as you turn. The first turn is under a footbridge where there will be a crew member. On the second turn there is no noticeable land marker so a Crew member will be there, please navigate around their craft to return the last leg to the finish.


Other AquaPaddlers. Please give each other space to turn and cross the river.

Moored boats. Stay at least 2 metres away.

Turning on the river. Watch out for boats and other river users as you turn. They have right of way. Be prepared to stop. Do not risk crossing in front of any craft.

Please shout if someone is likely to hit you.

Falling off. If you should fall in, if you can’t re-board quickly, please swim your board away to the side, before trying again. A Crew Member will come and assist you. If you see someone fall in, without putting yourself in danger, please go and give help.

This route is a circular course.

The Finish

The Finish point is passing under coneygeare foot bridge. Please keep paddling towards the bridge, once you finish, please keep clear of the finish line. If you want to stay and cheer on the other AquaPaddlers, please gather on the riverbank and away from the Timelord.

Other information.

First Aid Kit is carried by Marshals and The Timelord.

Mobile Defib is part of the event and held at the start/finish point.
Nearest AED defib located at Co-operative funeral services Huntingdon Street

Risk Assessment

St Neots risk assessment was reviewed by Nick Green (Captain) on 03 July 2024.

General hazards

Hazard Who is at risk? Duration Inherent risk Residual risk Control measures Further action required Notes
All Activities Paddlers, Spectators, Crew Constant Remote chance of a Minor incident Improbable chance of a Minor incident Participants must comply with AquaPaddle/Club Policies and therefore with certain Paddle UK Policies Ongoing continual review that all conditions are being observed and adhered to by Crew. Ensure each member/visitor has access to a current copy of the AquaPaddle Policies, via the website.
Children Paddlers, Spectators Minority Possible chance of a Minor incident Remote chance of a Minor incident Children are only allowed to take part in AquaPaddle is accompanied by are parent/guardian or coach if part of an organised club training session. Prior notice should be given to the Captain that they will be attending Crews need to be aware of the presence of minors on the event and future events.
Environment Paddlers, Spectators, Crew Constant Possible chance of a Minor incident Possible chance of a Minor incident Paddlers are to be aware of other water users and keep away from powered craft Paddlers are to be aware of wildlife on and surrounding the water system and steer clear of any floating rubbish, which is to be cleared from pitches before use. Captains, Crew and Experienced Paddlers are to stay vigilant and ensure they have a plan to get to safe water at all times to mitigate the risks when they occur.
Safeguarding Paddlers, Spectators Minority Remote chance of a Minor incident Improbable chance of a Minor incident All members and people on our site agree to follow our AquaPaddle/Club Policies and procedures, of which safeguarding and code of conduct is one of them. An Event Captain/Safeguarding Officer is to have oversight over the Safeguarding of the event. Crew and other Volunteers who have regular contact with U18 are to be DBS checked and attend a safeguarding course.
Safety Cover Paddlers Constant Possible chance of a Minor incident Remote chance of a Minor incident Crew are to either have a Captain present or be in a minimum number of four Crew that are at the standard to self-rescue and rescue others; one person is aged over 18 or a coach (Land or Water) is in the vicinity. Compliant with the AquaPaddle/Club Safety Policy. The Captain and or an Event Safety Officer is to have oversight over the Health And Safety of the event. Paddle UK Awards set an appropriate level for standards, such as 2 Star, Explore awards and higher. However other factors can be taken into account such as experience, competition level and paddlers being at the standard to self-rescue and rescue others, while paddling on the water.
Wildlife Paddlers, Spectators, Crew Briefly Improbable chance of a Minor incident Improbable chance of a Minor incident Brief Paddlers about approaching wildlife, and maintaining a safe distance whenever possible. ‘If it's free, let it be’ Ensure Crew relay information to the AquaPaddlers.

Off Water hazards

Hazard Who is at risk? Duration Inherent risk Residual risk Control measures Further action required Notes
Boat and Manual Handling Paddlers, Crew Briefly Possible chance of a Minor incident Remote chance of a Minor incident If carrying a boat alone, paddlers are to ensure it is within the limits of their limitations and experience. All paddlers are advised that two people should lift boats at least. Failure to do so could lead to injury.
Car Park Paddlers, Spectators, Crew Minority Remote chance of a Minor incident Remote chance of a Minor incident People are to be made aware of traffic within parking areas. Vehicles are to park safely so as not to obstruct access routes. Club officials are to control cars in the venue at the start and the end of the event when the traffic flow requires it. Cars are to adhere to the speed limit of 5mph during the event. The car park is also accessed by other users. AquaPaddle Crew are to wear high-visibility clothing to ensure the cars can see the marshals.
Spectating Spectators Majority Improbable chance of a Minor incident Improbable chance of a Minor incident Spectators are not to encroach over the water's edge. Instructions will be issued, on-site induction. AquaPaddle Crew to monitor and advise the spectators when they are not acting in the best manner.

On Water hazards

Hazard Who is at risk? Duration Inherent risk Residual risk Control measures Further action required Notes
Bridge/Viaduct pillars – strong water flow Paddlers, Crew Minority Remote chance of a Minor incident Remote chance of a Minor incident The water flow beneath the bridge/viaduct can be stronger due to decreased space for the volume of water to flow. Paddlers are to be advised to be steady or sit down if this makes them uncomfortable. A regular assessment of the flow around the structures needs to be carried out.
Collision with mooring buoys and other static objects Paddlers, Crew Minority Remote chance of a Minor incident Remote chance of a Minor incident Instructor and assistants to give clear guidance and path the avoid obstacles. Review path/crossing annually and ensure Crew are fully trained.
Collision with other waterway users Paddlers, Crew Constant Possible chance of a Lost Time incident Remote chance of a Minor incident Paddlers instructed to be aware of other river users and how to take appropriate/avoiding action. Paddlers to pass on River right when going upstream or downstream. However, on bends a dynamic assessment of position is necessary.  All members of the group are to be informed as to possible other river users and locations, what to do when boats approach  
Entrapment Paddlers, Crew Briefly Possible chance of a Minor incident Improbable chance of a Minor incident Paddlers are to either have a Crew member present or be in a minimum number of three that are at the standard to self-rescue and rescue others; one person is aged over 18 or a coach (Land or Water) is in the vicinity. Spray decks are to be appropriate for kayaks. Paddlers are to be competent to wear a spray deck if one is used {Paddle Uk Awards set an appropriate level for standards, such as 2 Star, Explore awards and higher. However other factors can be taken into account such as experience, competition level and paddlers being at the standard that to self-rescue and rescue others, during paddling on the water.
Equipment Failure - board deflates while on the water - fall in and hit head or get injured, Leash Snaps causing them to come detached from their board if they fall in. Paddle snaps and unable to paddle back to launch point Paddlers, Crew Constant Possible chance of a Minor incident Possible chance of a Minor incident All equipment will need to be checked before launching into the water. Crew are trained in how to tow Paddlers if issues arise with boards. Dynamic risk assessment to be carried out on the water to monitor any issues that may arise with equipment. Before Padders enter the water a visual check of all craft needs to be carried out
Falling from inability to stand Paddlers Constant Possible chance of a Minor incident Possible chance of a Minor incident During the AquaPaddle Briefing, Check that all Paddlers can self-rescue, if not, talk through the correct way to fall and climb back on a board or kayak. Bring Paddlers to a safe spot on the riverbank and assist back on the vessel. Make Paddlers aware.
Flow rate / Levels - Paddlers, boats & craft could get washed downstream into hazards Paddlers, Crew Minority Possible chance of a Minor incident Possible chance of a Minor incident River level to be assessed before getting on the river by sight and through use of EA River gauges. No paddling when the River is graded RED or YELLOW. The AquaPaddle event is to be cancelled.
Launching / Landing Areas and Sides Paddlers, Crew Minority Remote chance of a Minor incident Remote chance of a Minor incident Paddlers are to use the primary Launching area. When embarking and disembarking from the water from a Kayak, Canoe, or SUP ensure that care is used with help if necessary, using the correct technique Crew are to be inducted to location of safe evacuation locations. Standing in SUPs is prohibited when within falling distance to an object – including walls. Kneeling when embarking and disembarking the SUP. Helmets may be used for SUPs.
Moorings and ropes Paddlers, Crew Briefly Remote chance of a Minor incident Remote chance of a Minor incident Advise Paddlers where ropes/boats/moorings are and direct them to a clear spot. Access to Local Area Users Risk Assessment. Local direction given.
Other water users including power boats, sails, kayakers etc Paddlers, Crew Briefly Possible chance of a Lost Time incident Possible chance of a Minor incident Although engine should move for paddle ensure the group maintain a safe distance from other vessels where possible. Always move and keep clear of shipping and other river users.                  Conduct training with Crew. 
Over hanging branches Paddlers, Crew Briefly Possible chance of a Lost Time incident Possible chance of a Lost Time incident Make group aware that there are over hanging branches along the riverbank. Make Paddlers aware of potential overhanging branch hazards.
Polution and risk of infection Paddlers, Crew Constant Possible chance of a Minor incident Possible chance of a Minor incident Advised to wash hands with hot water and soap before eating or drinking and shower at the end of the event, especially after immersion and made aware of flotsam. Crew to assess waterway condition on the day. Avoid intentional capsizes in poor conditions  
SUP Leashes and entanglement Paddlers, Crew Briefly Possible chance of a Minor incident Possible chance of a Minor incident SUP leashes are to be worn at all events unless it is deemed to be an entanglement risk. Entanglement from submerged plant life. Quick-release belts are advised and assessment of the conditions/abilities of the group to determine the route. Specific pocket knife to be carried by Crew on duty.

Medical hazards

Hazard Who is at risk? Duration Inherent risk Residual risk Control measures Further action required Notes
Drowning. (see also Safety Cover - Off Water Section ) Paddlers, Crew Majority Remote chance of a Major incident Improbable chance of a Lost Time incident Paddlers are required to be able to swim and wear a buoyancy aid on the water. Sole people on shore or pontoons must wear buoyancy aids if there are no other people nearby. Site induction, visitors are to be advised of any danger areas. Life Buoys & throw lines are available on shore or the dock wall for people to throw to the causality when a person needs assistance. Paddlers are to either have a Crew member present or be in a minimum number of three that are at the standard to self-rescue and rescue others; one person is aged over 18 or a Crew (Land or Water) is in the vicinity with a throw line if on land. For the event, the Crew are to ensure that water activities under their control are safe, and paddlers are to follow the instructions of the Crew in all safety matters without question.
Exhaustion/Fatigue Paddlers Constant Possible chance of a Lost Time incident Remote chance of a Minor incident Advise paddlers to bring a drink and have eaten appropriately prior to paddling Water safety team will assist and help them ashore.
First Aid / Injuries Paddlers, Spectators, Crew Constant Probable chance of a Minor incident Remote chance of a Minor incident Paddlesport is an “assumed risk sport”. There will be a designated First Aid AquaPaddle/club official on site. All Crew are qualified first-aiders. All injuries should be reported on the incident report. Means of contact for emergency services to be available at the venue. Defib is available with the Time Lord.
Hypothermia / Hyperthermia Paddlers, Spectators, Crew Minority Possible chance of a Lost Time incident Possible chance of a Lost Time incident AquaPaddlers to be given info about appropriate dress and Crew to give the AquaPaddlers a wetsuit if deemed necessary. Carry foil blanket (if the instructor sees fit). Make sure the AquaPaddlers are out of the water and taken to an appropriate assemble/exit point and call for emergency assistance if need be.
Injury from damaged equipment Paddlers, Crew Briefly Remote chance of a Minor incident Remote chance of a Minor incident Check PSI regularly. Ensure regular equipment checks are carried out. Daily/monthly Crew checks. All equipment checked regularly.
Manual handling leads to Sprains, Strains and Soft Tissue Injuries Paddlers, Crew Briefly Remote chance of a Minor incident Remote chance of a Minor incident Trained to lift correctly Ask for help. Encourage paddlers to paddle correctly. Paddlers advised to carry boats between 2 people or more for heavy canoes   Ongoing training and regular checks of procedures Appropriate checks on storage facilities. Crew and helpers to set a good example and not carry boats (even small ones) on their own. Crew to carry a basic first aid kit  
Pre-existing medical conditions Paddlers, Spectators, Crew Constant Remote chance of a Lost Time incident Remote chance of a Lost Time incident Terms and conditions require the person making the booking to notify any relevant medical conditions for their group before arrival. If the AquaPaddler has NOT informed the Captain or Time Lord or Crew, those parties are NOT responsible for any incident involving said condition. Captain/Crew only to authorise event admission where safety precautions can be put in place. DO NOT TAKE AQUAPADDLER OUT IF UNSURE OR WITHOUT A DOCTOR'S NOTE. Captain/Crew to ask about medical conditions during land base intro.
Spinal injury Paddlers, Crew Briefly Improbable chance of a Major incident Improbable chance of a Major incident Ensure all AquaPaddlers fill in medical information form. Teaching techniques and awareness of fall techniques and potential hazards.
Weil’s Disease Paddlers, Crew Constant Remote chance of a Major incident Remote chance of a Major incident Equipment is to be washed after use according to the NOP. If on static water, such as lakes and reservoirs, sampling should be carried out at regular intervals, including both micro and algae testing. Procedure in place for actions to be taken in the case of a poor water quality test, including Event Cancelation. Participants are encouraged to wash their hands as soon as possible after the activity. Participants are encouraged to cover any cuts and avoid ingesting the water. Waterway owners are to monitor the water and publish the results so that all Crew can comply with safe working practices.

Event Specific hazards

Hazard Who is at risk? Duration Inherent risk Residual risk Control measures Further action required Notes
Effect of Hot, Cold and wind from Weather and Environmental Paddlers, Crew Constant Possible chance of a Minor incident Possible chance of a Minor incident Captain and Location Safety Team to assess the weather before getting on the waterway. The event is to be cancelled if not considered safe. Captain should consider instructing participants to bring: drinking water, hats, sunscreen, windproof clothing, or extra layers as appropriate
Fog and poor visibility Paddlers, Crew Briefly Possible chance of a Minor incident Possible chance of a Minor incident Captain to check the forecast and if in doubt go to the location to check the conditions. Assess by Captain and Crew, check weather forecast.
Hazard from prevailing wind and weather conditions Paddlers, Spectators, Crew Briefly Possible chance of a Minor incident Possible chance of a Minor incident Events will not operate over 18 mph standing wind (depending on the wind direction) unless a safe location is found and agreed upon by two Event Safety Team (Captain, Time Lord and experienced on-water Crew Member).  Assess by Captain, check weather forecast. If thunderstorms occur after an event has begun, ask the Paddlers to return to a safe area on the bank, if there are less than 7 seconds between the lightning flash and the thunder. This follows the BC guidance. 
Water Quality Paddlers, Crew Constant Possible chance of a Lost Time incident Improbable chance of a Lost Time incident Water quality is regularly monitored and the results are held with the Responsible Authority Paddlers are to report any concerns to AquaPaddle Crew Members to contact the Responsible Authority to raise the concerns.