Nottingham Health & Safety


Route-wise, the course will commence outside the Kayak Club and follow the Righthand side of the river upstream to the Toll (Tram) Bridge (///drove.barn.dragon) Anti-Clockwise turn round the right-hand bridge support then downstream to the right of the middle of the river, back to the kayak club, finishing on the right bank outside the club.

The route is close to the righthand bank all the way, under the right-hand arch of Trent Bridge, and proceeds just over 500 metres to the Suspension Bridge where the river swings to the right. There are steps below the water at varying depths, depending on the river level, so not too close is recommended. Follow the right bank as the river bends round to the right,, again submerged steps, the river will start to swing back to the left, but all paddlers to stay on the RHS up to the bridge where there is the turn. Care to be taken not to turn too right on the bridge, especially if there is some flow on the river. Stick to the right of the centre all the way back to the club, going through the middle arch of Trent Bridge and finishing close to the club after that.

There are various additional hazards on the way,

Rowers and Scullers may be out training, so very important to stick to the Right-Hand side
Anglers may be fishing from the steps, so keep an eye out for lines when coming upstream close to the bank

There is the occasional powered Pleasure Craft (some quite large) using the river, again, make sure that the rules are followed on where craft should be on the river.

Trentside North (the road outside the club) is quite busy sometimes with traffic, Cars, bikes and scooters, so care is needed crossing the road

The water quality in the Trent is not the greatest, so washing hands, showering is highly recommended, especially before eating food

Risk Assessment

On Water hazards

Hazard Who is at risk? Duration Inherent risk Residual risk Control measures Further action required Notes
Bridge/Viaduct pillars – strong water flow Paddlers, Crew Minority Remote chance of a Minor incident Remote chance of a Minor incident The water flow beneath the bridge/viaduct can be stronger due to decreased space for the volume of water to flow. Paddlers are to be advised to leave enough space above the bridge pillar so as not to be swept onto it. Safety boat will be there to advise people on the turn A regular assessment of the flow around the structures will be carried out.
Collision with other waterway users Paddlers, Crew Constant Remote chance of a Minor incident Remote chance of a Minor incident Paddlers instructed to be aware of other river users and how to take appropriate/avoiding action. Paddlers will keep to the right side of the river when going upstream and pass on River right when going downstream. Bends are not to be cut by going down the left side of the river All members of the group are to be informed as to the possibility other river users and locations,
Effect of Hot, Cold and wind from Weather and Environmental Paddlers, Spectators, Crew Constant Remote chance of a Minor incident Remote chance of a Minor incident Captain and Location Safety Team to assess the weather before getting on the water. Participants will be observed throughout the event by safety crew and advised if clothing/equipment is not suitable for the conditions. Sunscreen is provided at the club The event will be cancelled if not considered safe.
Flow rate / Levels on Rivers and Canals - Paddlers, boats and, craft could get washed downstream into hazards Paddlers, Crew Constant Improbable chance of a Minor incident Improbable chance of a Minor incident Flow speed to be assessed before getting on the river by sight. There will be downstream safety boats prior to the start and also following on behind the event participants Paddlers advised if flow rates are going to be a problem
Hazard from prevailing wind and weather conditions Paddlers, Crew Constant Possible chance of a Minor incident Remote chance of a Minor incident Events will not operate over 18 mph standing wind (depending on the wind direction) unless a safe location is found and agreed upon by two Event Safety Team (Captain, Time Lord and experienced on-water Crew Member).  Assess by Captain, check weather forecast. If thunderstorms occur after an event has begun, ask the Paddlers to return to a safe area on the bank, if there are less than 7 seconds between the lightning flash and the thunder. This follows the BC guidance. 
Polution and risk of infection Paddlers, Crew Constant Improbable chance of a Serious incident Improbable chance of a Major incident Advised to wash hands with hot water and soap before eating or drinking and shower at the end of the event, especially after immersion and made aware of flotsam. Crew to assess waterway condition on the day. Avoid intentional capsizes in poor conditions.  

Off Water hazards

Hazard Who is at risk? Duration Inherent risk Residual risk Control measures Further action required Notes
Car Park and Road Paddlers, Spectators, Crew Minority Remote chance of a Lost Time incident Remote chance of a Lost Time incident People are to be made aware of traffic within parking areas and outside the club, especially crossing the road to the river. Vehicles are to park safely so as not to obstruct roadways or entrances to boathouses . Club officials are to control cars in the venue at the start and the end of the event when the traffic flow requires it. Cars are to adhere to the speed limit of 5mph along Trentside North at all times. The car park is also accessed by other users. AquaPaddle Crew are to wear high-visibility clothing to ensure the cars can see the marshals.
Tripping or Slipping on access steps, grassy banks and pontoons. Paddlers, Spectators, Crew Constant Remote chance of a Lost Time incident Remote chance of a Minor incident Advice given regarding slippery grass surface down to the river, appropriate footwear will be worn

General hazards

Hazard Who is at risk? Duration Inherent risk Residual risk Control measures Further action required Notes
Environment Paddlers, Spectators, Crew Constant Possible chance of a Minor incident Remote chance of a Minor incident Paddlers are to be aware of other water users and keep away from powered craft Paddlers are to be aware of wildlife on and surrounding the water system and steer clear of any floating rubbish, which is to be cleared from pitches before use. Captains, Crew and Experienced Paddlers are to stay vigilant and ensure they have a plan to get to safe water at all times to mitigate the risks when they occur. The Trent at this location is a frequently used waterway by Canoeists, Kayakers, Rowers and Scullers. The rules of the road and other etiquette is well known, advice will be given to newcomers to the area
Slips and Trips Paddlers, Spectators, Crew Constant Possible chance of a Minor incident Improbable chance of a Minor incident Paddlesport is an “assumed risk sport”. There will be a designated First Aid AquaPaddle/club official on site. Safety briefing will draw to people's attention All Crew are qualified first-aiders. All injuries should be reported on the incident report. Means of contact for emergency services to be available at the venue. Defib is available with the Time Lord.